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  • Writer's pictureThe Anxious Travel Guy

A stroke of good fortune leads me to Almoradi (via Torrevieja)

After leaving Gran Canaria in October, it was on to Torrevieja on the south east coast of Spain. I found another really good deal on Airbnb, securing a smart little apartment, a few minutes from the beach.

I think I’ve mentioned this on another post, but if you’re heading somewhere for over 4 weeks, check out the long-stay option on the aforementioned Airbnb. There are some incredible deals to be had, especially as we’re out of season. Also, during these uncertain times, where travel is more difficult, I found there were plenty of options.

I managed to get 5 weeks in this little studio apartment, for less than £400 including bills. Considering I was paying £700 a month for a damp room in London (without bills), it feels like a different world.

Anyway, while considering where to head after Torrevieja, a friend randomly messaged sharing a video of me falling asleep at a bar during our summer travelling France for Euro 2016 (naturally). I had seen he visited Torrevieja, so asked him about that, and before I knew it, he had offered me the chance to stay in his apartment in Almoradi, which is around 25 mins or so from Torrevieja.

It’s currently for sale, so was uninhabited, and I jumped at the chance. The apartment in Torrevieja was fine (although may have been haunted, but that's a story for another post), but interestingly decorated, with the TV for example, perched above a fridge and next to a microwave.

A small television, above a fridge and next to a microwave
My small TV above a fridge, next to a microwave.

My friend’s apartment is lovely, and easily the nicest place I’ve stayed during my travels so far. It was a lovely gesture, and I’m beyond grateful he offered it to me. As for Almoradi, following a now familiar theme, I didn’t know anything about it. My friend had arranged for someone from the local café to pick me up (you know, because he hadn’t done enough for me), I then met someone to pick up the keys, and was soon in my temporary home. The first day I did what I do very well, and napped, exhausted by the 25-minute drive and packing of two relatively small bags.

A table, TV and sofa in an apartment
Apartment in Almoradi

There’s a super comfy sofa in the new place, and a TV showing British channels. Score. I actually really enjoyed Spanish TV, as you can usually turn on the English language during English speaking programs. A channel called Neox for example, was the absolute one. It was like Sky One on steroids, featuring a load of great, easy to watch shows, including Friends and The Simpsons.

Still, I missed British daytime TV. One of the perks of working from home was having TV on in the background all day, so it was nice to be back watching the likes of Tipping Point and The Chase. I realise this is a travel blog, and I’m talking about TV, but here we are. A man’s got to chill out.

As for Almoradi, it’s a small town, super charming, and full of wonderful walks. The café I got dropped off at is wonderful, and I often pop down to do some work and enjoy the good food. I think the population is around 20,000, and being winter, it’s not really busy. There is a main square around 15 minutes away, surrounded by some rather unique donut style trees, with a church in the centre.

I’m going to write a separate post on my various walks soon (another thriller for you to look forward to), as well as my stay in Torrevieja which I have massively glossed over. For now though, it’s Almoradi, as my Spanish adventure continues.



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